Our Values

SNAP – Our Values

Family – Centred, Holistic Care

A holistic family approach is at the heart of our practice, with the child being the focus of our care and impact. We empower families through honest communications, based on trust and kindness.

Professional and Adaptable

We have a dedicated, professional and reflective team, providing care with empathy and understanding of each individual family situation. We are committed to learn and develop from our own practice and more widely, from research and development.

Creative, Playful and Fun

We will engage and listen to our children with additional and complex needs through fun and stimulating play, in a safe and creative environment, designed specifically for their needs.


To ensure the best possible outcomes, we will collaborate widely with our community to ensure that every child has the very best start in life, and to provide continuity when transitioning through stages of change, with the care of the child being at the heart of all our practices.

Sharing our Impact on early intervention

To share our knowledge and optimism, that children with additional or complex needs can flourish in our community, given the right support early in life.